Monday, August 18, 2014

7-9/2014 - The 2014 Historical House Tour

It was an honor to be asked by a good friend, Teresa, to be the designer for the 2014 Historical House Tour encompassing Rockland and Bergen Counties. From the initial theme of "Crossing Borders", that morphed into "Shared History", I designed a graphic, the "Save the Date" postcard, the brochure cover, and the newspaper advertisement. It was such a blast to put it all together! By all accounts, it was a wonderful fundraiser and "friendraiser" for the Historical Society of Rockland County and the Upper Saddle River Historical Society. It was an honor to be the designer of these materials and be a docent at the Osborne Barn on that day!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

3/2/14 - Tangling For the River Event

Learning to "Tangle" and supporting Clearwater at the same time! Can't beat this fundraiser! On Sunday March 2, Mikki Shaw and Peter Capek hosted a fantastic Zentangle event, facilitated by Jill Greenbaum, a Certified Zentangle Instructor, at their lovely home for an enthusiastic group of friends and fellow Clearwater coordinators. Lots of laughs and lots of fun! Everyone produced two distinct and beautiful works of art and left with tools to do even more.

For more information about Zentangle and see what Jill has to offer go to

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Making templates for a visual coach or a graphic facilitator is an exciting process.  From rough drawings that must be scanned, cleaned up, and layered or manipulated in various ways, Photoshop is a key component of the work as is good communication with the artist. The elements of one of many visual coaching maps that I did for Jill Greenbaum's book, How to Major In You and Find the Right College is shown below. Individual drawings were added to a background, with coloring, text , and an exterior frame. 

7/23-7/26, 2013-The IFVP Conference in NYC

What an fantastic event! The International Forum of Visual Practitioners joined together at this conference to draw, share, learn, commune and re-imagine their tribe, work and practice. Held at the Downtown Marriott, these incredibly creative people came together to forge the future of graphic recording, graphic facilitation, and the business of being a visual practitioner. These photos are from the first two days. More to come!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

7/6/2013-The Color Run

What a freaking "colorful" event! The Color Run, billed as the "Happiest 5K on the Planet", was held in  Brooklyn at Aviator Field. Thousands turned out to run or walk, "celebrating healthiness, happiness, individuality, and giving back to the community." With only two rules, (wear white at the start and finish plastered in color), this unique, untimed race is a happy time for all!